Halloween started with five girls congregating at Catie Brubaker's making lots and lots of cookies. Actually my friend Kirby did most of the cooking which turned out interesting ha. She is an excellent cook but she didn't stir the dough enough so I think everyone pulled out several large clumps of sugar in their cookies ha. But that night my friend Callista and I decided to go to the Halloween Ball across town while the rest of my friends just went to the local pub called the Stables. This was actually the night before halloween, which the Irish seem to celebrate Halloween twice:). That day we all also went into town to finalize costumes. After we all had several cookies and helped eachother with makeup, hair, and finishing costumes we ended up with a goth, a pirate, a fairy, a witch, and Ms. Pacman (me).
Here is Lauren (the pirate) and me.

Jess (the witch) and me.
So from here on you will se several pictures with this ha. While I was in Italy my friend Tara did this in a picture and I thought it was hilarious. Making words with your lips, who would have thought ha. So I picked it up and then it just seemed to catch on ha. Oh also, speaking of Italy, I am not able to upload my pictures because my camera is dead and I no longer have a charger for it. So I am having to get those pictures from my friends and when I do I will be sure to post them.
I don't know who this really is but he was playing jesus at the halloween ball.
This was the best part of the Halloween Ball. My friend Callista and I went and were a little dissapointed with it. We were what it seemed the only sober people there ha and the only people with clothes on ha (ha well besides jesus). But the band was a lot of fun.
Here is Callista and I on the bus.
She was a Christmas present and I was Ms. Pacman.:)
Here is the beginning of the second night, which was actually Halloween this time. This night instead of cookies we made my Halloween cake that my sister sent me:) Well we made cupcakes that is and they were amazing! In case you do not know my absolute favorite thing in the world is a cupcake. And that night since it is the only time I had them since I was here... ha I had six. WOW!... I know. So, if I come home with some extra pounds you know why ha. But like the night before we all helped out with in the beauty department and I was once again in charde of curling the hair.

Here is Catie the goth. This was the most incredible costume ever! Not only was it so much do ha (I did her lips) but she was an incredible goth. If you know Catie this is so not like her. She is such a happy and wonderful person so she had such a hard time not smiling all night ha. In this picture she looks like she is doing a good job but right before you I promise there were about five minutes of me going Catie don't smile, think about something unhappy, like your dog died HA. It made for a fun night.
Here is a picture of the process.... black eyeliner on the lips is never fun to do ha.
We were capturing how they said I looked like such a happy person with my ribbon and all and then well Catie is self-explanatory.
Once again... ha. This picture speaks a million words I would say ha.
Catie's roommate Dave. He was in the CIA for Halloween. And then me eating his tie... because Ms. Pacman eats things ha.
Once again Ms. Pacman eating the pirate's pony tail.
Here is an interesting fact.... ha. In the game the dots that Ms. Pacman eats are actually cupcakes. Bet you never knew that.
Brown Thomas. The famous statue on campus that we couldn't just leave out. He is actually quite scary because at night sometimes you really think there is a guy there especially when someone puts clothes on him which has happened often ha.
Us... well more me dancing ha.
Me and the fairy Kirby.
Jess and I.
This picture is funny I thought ha.
Role reversal..... I don't do a very good ob of being unhappy.
All the girls in character.
All of us. (Really Dave was our bodyguard because we all looked so good.)
Me Irish Dancing for everyone while we waited for the taxi. We were headed to a club called the Trinity Rooms that night because you got in for free if you were in costume!
Ha Funny story. In dance class Catie and I are partners and I am the man. So we decided that we would take like a prom picture ha. Also at our performance on the 26 of November everyone couple got to pick a color to dress in ha. What did Catie and I pick? Black, because of how great she looked as a goth. Ha
Once again, spelling with the mouth... OW OW!
The three of us:)! Catie, Katie, and Kirby!
My friend Darragh came out with us that night and all of us were having a hard time getting a taxi back to campus. So Darragh thought he would show some skin.... ha. The great thing is it worked.